
Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year, New Projects

Happy New Year!  This is the time in blog-land when people make colourful mosaics of their wonderful projects from the past year. I did make enough, but I don't have the time now to make a mosaic, and I think someone will wake up soon, so it may happen later, but I will resolve on it.  What am I resolving this year?  Let's see.  Here's a little list (and it will change, but change is fun):
This picture is just a random pic of something I made for a craft show.
-craft more, read crafty blogs less (I read a blog post about this...I actually did!)  I spend too much time reading crafty blogs, which are great for sharing and community and inspiration, but I spend too much time doing it, and not enough time creating.
-blogging a bit more - at least a little bit more than last year.
-crafting for charity - I've been accepted to do. Good Stitches a bee started by Stitched in Color
-participate in more craft shows/market days (I did one show and one fall fair this year)
-sew more of my own clothes - either from scratch or re-constructed from other clothes
-try new crafty things - from the tame (sashing a quilt not with white) to the more boundary stretching (do more art pieces and enter in a local show for judging)

-craft more for us and family and friends

-join local quilt guild?  Enter the quilt show?

That's all I can think of now, and these are crafty goals, not personal ones - those are happening all the time!
Happy New Year, and if you make resolutions, I hope you can keep them!

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